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Schedule a Field Trip

Because Every Generation Needs to Know

Bringing school-age children on a field trip to the California 9/11 Memorial is important and meaningful for many reasons.

Highlights Historical Significance

The September 11 attacks profoundly impacted America and the world. The Memorial helps students understand this piece of history and how it is shaping their country’s present and future.

Reinforces Civic Responsibility

Learning about the events of September 11 helps students better understand civic duty and the role of citizens in responding to crises.

Underscores Key Values

When students witness the nation’s response to the September 11 attacks, they see the importance of national security and personal sacrifice.

Promotes Cultural Understanding

As students study this event, they begin to understand the differences between militant extremists and the vast majority of peaceful Muslims.

Encourages Personal Growth

Many students likely have family members who were impacted by the events of September 11, and learning about these events can help students understand and process their personal connections.

To schedule a field trip, please complete the Schedule Inquiry Form. We will get back to you promptly with a confirmation or recommended alternative dates.

Schedule Inquiry Form